About us

The Board of Directors is elected by the General Assembly. It represents the interests of the members and sponsors. The operational management of the cluster is carried out by the Managing Director, supported by his team.

Board of Directors

Mitglied Claire Kütemeier

Mitglied Claire Kütemeier

(Chairwoman of the Board)<br>Head of Division Financial Center Frankfurt at the Hessian Ministry of Economics, Energy, Transport, Housing and Rural Areas

Prof. Dr. Volker Brühl

Prof. Dr. Volker Brühl

Managing Director and Professor of Banking and Finance at the Center for Financial Studies

Frank Jacob

Frank Jacob

Member of the Executive Board of VfU e.V. and Head of Sustainability Management at Union Investment

Prof. Dr. Ulf Moslener

Prof. Dr. Ulf Moslener

Scientific Director of the UNEP Collaborating Centre for Climate and Sustainable Energy Finance at the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management

Petra Sandner

Petra Sandner

Chief Sustainability Officer at Helaba

Bettina Storck

Bettina Storck

Head of Group Sustainability Management at Commerzbank

Management and team

Matthias Hübner

Matthias Hübner

Managing Director

Dr. Lukas Figge-Muschalik

Dr. Lukas Figge-Muschalik

Project Manager

Sebastian Rink

Sebastian Rink

Fellow and Sustainable Finance Expert at Frankfurt School of Finance & Management

Dr. Julia Wendel-Hübner

Dr. Julia Wendel-Hübner

Fellow and Sustainable Finance Advisor at the Hessian Ministry for Economic Affairs, Energy, Transport, Housing, and Rural Areas

Dr. Christine Grüning

Dr. Christine Grüning

Director FS-UNEP Center

Carola Menzel-Hausherr

Carola Menzel-Hausherr

Head of FS-UNEP Center